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5 Accounting Podcasts Everyone Needs To Hear

If you’re looking for inspiration these days, podcasts are the way to go. Podcasts provide you valuable insights into topics that you may or not be familiar with. One advantage of podcasts is that it can be used to be educated on any subject, including accounting. Accounting can be described as a daunting topic to many, but it doesn’t have to with the podcasts that are available. In order to be better informed on the industry, here are the top 5 podcasts that you should be listening to!

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  1. The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferris is known to many as a best-selling author , but he is also recognized for his podcast series. In the past he has had guests on his such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tony Robbins, Peter Thiel, and Malcolm Gladwell. The episodes vary in length, and has made iTunes annual “best-of” list for podcasts. Be sure to download the podcast through iTunes soon or with his website https://tim.blog/podcast/.

  1. Accounting Best Practices with Steve Bragg

As the founder of AccountingTools, Steve Bragg is recognized for his expertise in accounting. He also is the author of 100 books, and has been running the podcast “Accounting Best Practices” for over 12 years. The podcast has been downloaded over 2.3 million times, and covers topics such as management, best practices, and GAAO. It is available for download or through the website https://www.accountingtools.com/podcasts/.

  1. Grow My Accounting Practice

The “Grow My Accounting Practice” podcast is one that you must listen to if you are planning on having your own accounting practice one day. Mike Michalowicz, started the podcast in 2016, and has grown recognition among the industry for its’ useful tips to starting your own business. The episodes can be anywhere between 30 to 60 minute per episode, and is available for download through iTunes or the website https://growmyaccountingpractice.com.

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  1. The Big 4 Accounting Firms Podcast

If you’re looking to work at one of the big 4 accounting companies such as KPMG, PwC, Deloitte, or E&Y, this podcast is a must for you. The podcast will give you all the tips and tricks you need to succeed to work at any of the Big 4. It is available for download with iTunes or through the website https://big4accountingfirms.com/podcast/.

  1. TEDTalks Business

TedTalk are known for having innovators, entrepreneurs, and success business people speak about their stories on stage about various topics such as accounting. This podcast will provide accountants valuable insights that will help them succeed in the industry. The episodes vary in length, and is available for download through iTunes or the website https://www.ted.com/talks?topics%5B%5D=business.

For more information, feel free to visit or our website. Contact us if you are looking for any of the information covered in this blog. Stay tuned!

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